Sunday, July 18, 2010


Welcome to the Bizonion family! Due to my psychic mind reading skills, I know you are wondering what the heck is up with the Bizonion thing. No, it is not my last name. No, it is not anyone's last name (that I know of, if you are a true Bizonion lurker, please come forth!). It is just a silly name I came up with one day while walking around with my (soon to be) husband talking about what a strange (or bizarre) little family we were, and that each little layer you peeled off (like an onion!) revealed even more craziness. Hence, the term "bizonion" (still don't get it? (you are a bit slow) bizarre + onion). This was also before we were married yet and I was trying to convince him that we should create a new last name for us to take, because I was incredibly annoying that I was the one needing to do all the name changing, but somehow he was not convinced to officially become a Bizonion. Which I still think is a shame, but I do admit that Dr. Bizonion doesn't sound like someone I would want giving me health advice. Anyhow, I digress. Let me officially introduce you to the Bizonion family unit (if I say the name enough times it will sound less and less weird):

Lady & Mister Bizonion: Sadly we are not royalty, rather far from it actually, but I like the names anyhow. In 4-5 years we will be Dr-squared (in 1 year for me, 4-5 for Mr. B) but this
works well in the meantime! We are both in our mid-20s, celebrating our first married anniversary this summer, and are enjoying the poverty that comes with being perpetual students. Mr. B is pursuing graduate studies in psychology and in his spare (ha!) time also works in an inpatient psychiatric ward - so he is full of fun stories about interesting things.

Fatcat: (he specifically requested a dignified photo for his introduction, since he is a bit peeved about his unflattering psuedonym, this was the best I could find) We adopted the brother kitties about 3 years ago, before we were even living together. Fatcat was not fat at the time, and seduced me with his cuteness, as Mr. B had already picked out Ninjacat. He has since then proved that his only survival skill is his cuteness, as he is remarkably stupid for a cat, and is much too overweight. But do not underestimate the cuteness! His powers are strong (and yes, he is on a diet now). His favorite activities include: "presto molesto" (a spontaneous purr/kneading attack on unsuspecting victims, which often ends as abruptly as it began), feeding the Beast food from his dish, distributing fruit (such as tomatoes and cherries) from the dish on the counter to the inside of our shoes, getting his massive tummy rubbed and shedding copious amounts of white fluff onto black clothing items. He dislikes: not being fed, having his fat jiggled while being laughed at and being tattled on by the Beast when he jumps on the counter.

Ninjacat: Looking nothing like his brother, he is sleek, agile, usually rather intelligent, and stood out as a kitten for his athleticism and determination to kill the fluffball on the end of a string. However, he has an impressive assortment of suicide attempts that include swallowing several feet of ribbon and getting himself stuck in a ceiling. His favorite activities include: being a ninja, snuggling under the covers when it's cold, licking plastic, being spun around on a linoleum floor, eating wires/cords/string (basically anything linear and potentially dangerous or inconvenient), running into the bathroom right before the door shuts and meeting new people. He dislikes: the Beast, when his brother squashes him with his fatness, having his paws touched and being locked in closets when he is accidentally using his ninja skills.

The Beast: He has no resemblance to the beast from The Sandlot, but compared to the kitties he earned this nickname anyhow. The newest addition to the family, we adopted him from a rescue that pulled him from death row about 6 months ago. We have no idea what his mix is and have deemed him a "super mutt" (maybe some cattle dog, corgi and shepherd?). We are still in the process of gradually converting the country dog into a city dog, and he now boasts a few tricks (while still not managing to walk on the leash properly), now knows how to swim, and is 95% housetrained. He would love to be best friends with the kitties, but has somehow only managed to convert Fatcat to some level of tolerance and Ninjacat is still convinced that he is the devil himself. His favorite activities include: chasing tennis balls, eating anything that will fit into his mouth (especially tissue), getting belly rubs, pulling all the fluff out of stuffed toys and then eating it, peeing, trying to catch the light reflecting from his tags (otherwise known as "shinies"), going on road trips to fun places like the family farm and running around like a maniac at dog parks. He dislikes: getting locked out of a room, having to be tethered to a leash on walks, not getting to wrestle with the kitties and not getting to jump all over people to say hi.

That's it for now folks! Now you know the players for future entries. And before anyone asks, there will be no human additions to the family until AFTER residency, at the very least (translation: at least 4+ years from now). We can barely keep our heads screwed on properly with the zoo we have currently and the thought of some tiny creature, with the potential of mastering the English language, depending on us is a horrifying thought.

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